How can
we help you?
Your obligations as a freelancer
- What is the difference between professional registration (Spanish Treasury) and autónomo registration (Social Security)?
- What are my tax obligations?
- Which reports should I file?
- What to do if you missed your quarterly tax payment?
- Who is required to file the personal income tax return (renta)?
- Modelo 100 - Annual Income Tax Return or Personal Income Tax Return
- Modelo 111 - Personal income tax withholdings and payments on account
- Modelo 115 - Personal income tax withholdings and payments on account
- Modelo 130 - Quarterly Personal Income Tax (IRPF)
- Modelo 151 - Income Tax Return for Impatriates (Beckham Law)
- Modelo 180 - Annual personal income tax withholdings and payments on account
- Modelo 190 - Annual personal income tax withholdings and payments on account
- Modelo 210 - Income Tax for Non-Residents
- Modelo 303 - Quarterly VAT
- Modelo 309: VAT. Non-Periodic Declaration
- Modelo 347 - Annual Statement of Transactions with Third Parties
- Modelo 349 - Declaration of Intra-Community Transactions
- Modelo 369 - One Stop Shop (OSS) system VAT
- Modelo 390 - Annual VAT
- Modelo 720 - Informative tax return on goods and rights held abroad
- Modelo 721 - Cryptocurrency declaration abroad
- What is the ROI?
- Who has the obligation to be registered in the ROI?
- How can I register in the ROI?
- How can I see if I am actually registered in the ROI?
- How to make an intra-community invoice as a freelancer?
- What if I am not registered in the ROI but I want to invoice an EU customer or vice versa?
- What tax obligations do I have when I am registered in the ROI?
- What is the purpose of the Income Annual Tax Report?
- Who needs to file the Income Annual Tax Report?
- What is the price for you to manage my Income Annual Tax Report?
- When must it be filed?
- How is the Annual Income Tax Report calculated?
- Tax residency
- Important dates
- Personal and Family minimums
- Deductions related to children, dependents, ascendants, and disabled individuals
- How does living with my parents or renting affect my income annual tax report?
- Foreign Income
- Cryptocurrencies
- When do I have to pay, and when not?
- Interest and Dividends abroad
- Real Estate abroad
- Can I file a joint report with my partner?
- Contribution base and self-employed quota
- What is the difference between professional registration (Spanish Treasury) and autónomo registration (Social Security)?
- What should you know about autónomo Social Security fee?
- What happens if you do not pay the freelancer fee?
- Which bank can you use for the payment of the monthly fee?
- Self-Employed Professionals Working Abroad