Net salary calculator for freelancers based in Spain

You’ll finally know how much actual money you will be earning as a freelancer.

Graffiti letters

Calculate your net income

Business data

Insert your monthly income data to calculate your net autonomo income

Don't know your quota?

Calculate here

Next: Personal data

Your quota

Annual net income
Gross annual income
Deductible expenses
Social security quota
Illustration Illustration

Please note! This freelance net salary calculator provides only an approximate result. Even if you enter precise data, your actual monthly or annual net salary may differ due to various influencing factors for personalized tax advice explore our accounting services

Why use this net salary calculator for freelancers?

Are you considering becoming your own boss?
Calculate how much you will earn per year to see if it's worth becoming a freelancer.

If you are already a freelancer, the calculator will help you establish your rates and negotiate your quotes with clients.

Woman infront of wall

How to use the calculator

Please note: The result is approximate. The calculations are based on the assumption that the regional contribution is the same as the national contribution. However, each autonomous community has its own tax regulations, so the result is only indicative.

  1. Enter the expected income amount
  2. Determine the Social Security bracket you belong
    to in order to know the corresponding contribution
  3. Enter your expected deductible expenses
  4. Specify your personal situation to apply the corresponding reductions

How is your freelancer net salary calculated

What calculations are behind
the result of this calculator?

The formula would be something like:

  • Projected gross income (excluding VAT)
  • Social Security contributions
  • Fixed and variable expenses
  • Taxes (income tax)
  • Net salary as a freelancer

Taxes may or may not have a reduction depending on your personal situation.

How to forecast gross income

Take into account how much you estimate you will invoice each month based on:

  • Expected fixed income:
    Clients with whom you work consistently, every month.
  • Variable income: Occasional clients.

Remember to consider the taxable base, as the VAT from invoices will be reported quarterly to the tax authorities (Modelo 303).

Factors influencing freelancers’ net salary

To determine how much actual money you will receive,
the following should be subtracted from your gross income:

Taxes and reductions

Income tax (IRPF):
The Personal Income Tax is the tax that tax residents in Spain must pay on their worldwide income received during a fiscal year (from January 1st to December 31st). Keep in mind that it is a progressive tax; the more you earn, the more you pay

Reductions based on your personal situation:
You may be eligible for reduced taxes if you have a disability of more than 33% or based on the number of dependents in your care.

Annual gross salary Annual income tax (IRPF)
€12,450 or less 19%
€20,200 or less 24%
€60,000 or less 30%
€300,000 or less 45%
More than €300,000 47%

Social Security Contribution

Your contribution to Social Security is something you will have to pay each month while you are registered in your activity, even if you only work for a day. Remember that in the start of 2023 the freelance quota changed

Man working with laptop

Deductible expenses for freelancers

Fixed expenses:
These are recurring expenses you have every month, such as social security contributions, monthly administrative fees, rent, etc.

Variable expenses:
These are sporadic and depend on specific projects

Woman in cafe

Xolo: For freelancers who don't
want to worry about taxes or accounting

If you feel overwhelmed and want someone knowledgeable to take care
of the most tedious aspects of being a freelancer, Xolo is what you need:

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Invoicing and accounting software designed for freelancers.

A team of local accountants responsible for filing your declarations.