The best tools for freelancers
based in Spain.

(Apps, resources, courses, and more!)

Hey there, busy freelancer 馃憢 Looking for some extras for your solo business stack? Discover the best tools for freelancers to run your operations from anywhere.

Graffiti letters

Best banks for freelancers

Need to open a business bank account online and for a low cost to park that hard-earned cash? Here are the best low- and no-fee digital banking apps to try out: *Please note that in order to make your payments to the Spanish administration you will need to have a bank account with an IBAN in Spain.

Payment processing apps

Collect payments from your clients in multiple currencies using popular local payment methods. Cha-ching, you鈥檝e just got paid! Attention: the method of payment may be the most convenient for you, but remember that you need a Spanish bank account to make your payments to Hacienda and Social Security.

Best accounting apps

Double the pleasure of earning more money by keeping effective track of your income, expenses, and tax obligations with these convenient tools.

Xolo Homepage Banner

Best invoicing software

Want a separate app to issue on-brand invoices using your preferred payment option? Check this roster of free & paid invoicing tools.

Best expense tracking and budgeting apps

Be the boss of your freelance finances with these helpful expense management and budgeting apps. Stay currency-smart & paper receipt free.

Best project management tools

Be the master of your time (and the owner of your client promises). First, you have project management apps, designed for small teams. Second, are PM apps, purpose-built for independents.

Best time tracker

Learn where those hours go to better plan your freelance schedule and always stay atop your deadlines. Also, helpful whenever you鈥檙e billing clients by the hour.

All-in-one freelancer tools

Are you more of a one password for all your apps? With these tools you can combine everything you need to manage your freelance business.

Best CRM Tools

Excel in customer relationship management with a platform for booking clients, managing sales, and streamlining other admin work.

Client prospecting & outreach apps

Pitch and win new work with higher precision by automating your client research, outreach, and follow-up emails

Contract templates

Never again get down to work without a legal contract in place. Easily make binding legal contracts using the following customizable templates.

Best productivity apps

Not feeling it today? Trick yourself into getting productive (no matter what鈥檚 happening around you) with noise- and distraction-blocking products.

Best freelancer communities

Freelance communities are the best way to find your tribe, network, and get the first-hand scoop on new client leads.

Freelancer communities in Spain

Freelancer communities in Europe

International freelancer communities

Xolo Community Banner

Best coworking spaces for freelancers in Spain

Sometimes you just need a change of scenery to work more comfortably, and a coworking space may be the solution if working from home is more difficult for you.

Coworking spaces in Barcelona

Coworking spaces in Tenerife

Coworking spaces in Madrid

Coworking spaces in Mallorca

Coworking spaces in Valencia

Niche freelance marketplaces

For those tired of the regular marketplaces and mills, here are newer freelance talent-matchmaking communities. Note: most are better suited for experienced professionals.

Freelance rate calculators

Not sure what to charge? Get some solid ballpark numbers with a free rate calculator.

Best podcasts for freelancers

Learn from other industry pros on how to best run your freelance business, scale into new market verticals, and double your income.

Podcasts for freelancers in English

Podcasts for freelancers in Spanish

Best blogs for freelancers

More of a reader? Here are some of the best blogs for freelancers and side hustlers to read up on the latest industry buzz.

Blogs for freelancers in English

Blogs for freelancers in Spanish

Best events for freelancers

Sometimes you need to get out of the digital world and have real contact with other freelancers, from seeing people in person. Here is a list of events to attend:

Best insurance for freelancers

They say that the freelancers never get sick, but that is not true, what is true is that they are very little protected. With this selection of insurances you'll never have to worry about that.

Insurance for freelancers in Spain

International insurance for freelancers

Best educational resources for freelancers

Learn new stuff every day to remain competitive. We鈥檝e lined up the best online courses, micro-learning, and book note websites, choke-full of valuable knowledge.

Online courses for freelance developers

Online courses for freelance writers

Online courses for freelance designers

Online courses for freelance photographers