Última actualización: February 04, 2025
If you travel for business, some transportation costs are tax-deductible. However, the rules depend on whether you use public transport or a business vehicle.
Deductible Transportation Costs
- Flights → Deductible if the trip is business-related (invoice required).
- Train & Bus Tickets → Deductible, but a full invoice (not just a ticket) is required.
- Taxi & Ride-Sharing (e.g., Uber) → Deductible with a detailed invoice.
Parking & Tolls (only for business/ rental vehicles) → Deductible only if the car is a business asset or a rental car (keep receipts).
Rental Car:
✔ Business rental car agreement → The full cost of the rental, fuel, parking, and tolls is deductible if the trip is 100% business-related (invoice required).
✔ Private rental car agreement → You cannot deduct the rental cost separately. Instead, you can deduct €0.23 per business kilometer driven, which covers fuel, maintenance, tolls, and parking. VAT cannot be reclaimed.
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