Worth of invoices processed
Years of experience

A trusted business admin provider globally
Xolo is your trusted partner in your eenmanszaak life. We combine a team of expert accountants who specialize in freelancing in Netherlands with an easy-to-use online accounting and invoicing platform designed exclusively for sole proprietors.
We keep the best of each place
A pinch from here and a bit from there. The perfect combination to design a service adapted to the needs of solopreneurs in the Netherlands.
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International experience
Since Xolo was founded in 2015, we have served freelancers from 150 countries. In addition, the 100+ employees working at Xolo do so remotely from different parts of the world.
Local team
We collaborate with local accounting experts in the Netherlands. With more than 10 years of experience, our team of specialists can do everything from filing your tax returns to advising you about your business.
Estonian technology
We are built in Estonia, the most digitized country in the world located in Northern Europe. The principles of innovation and anti-bureaucracy are encrypted into our DNA.
We've come a long way since
we first launched in 2015
Since 2015, Xolo has been providing expert support and tailor-made business solutions for solopreneurs around the world.
To make solopreneurship better than employment
We can't promise your solo business will be successful. That's on you. But we can promise that with Xolo, you will spend 10X less time on business admin. We can promise you won't have to lie awake at night worrying if you filed your tax documents correctly. We promise to make sure you play by the government's rules, while remaining unapologetically biased toward your company's best interests. Because just because you're a solo doesn't mean you're alone.
With Xolo, you'll be able to save time and earn more money by spending your operating hours focused on the clients you like and the work you love, and growing your business to heights you never thought possible. Pretty magical, right?
Is still being written…
Our origin story isn't so different from other companies: a group of friends with compatible skills had a great idea and followed through.
What's unique is that our story takes place in the digitally-savvy, pro-business nation of Estonia, where you can do everything from launch a business to file your taxes completely online, in minutes. Our founders set out to lower the barriers of entry to solopreneurship and make it just as easy for the rest of the world to go solo as it is here in Estonia.
Even if you had all the time in the world, would you really want to spend it figuring out how to register as an autónomo, what VAT rate applies to your activity or which tax forms you have to file quarterly?
Yeah, we didn't think so.
As the guardians of the livelihoods of so many honest, hard-working solos, we take our jobs incredibly seriously. We hire experts, we do our homework and we work hard every day to build solutions that work with such precision that you barely have to think about them at all.
We think it's one of the most badass things you can do in your career life, to look the promise of a steady paycheck dead in the eye and say, "No thanks, I'll bet on myself."
But we also know that being an independent can mean feeling undervalued, misunderstood, even invisible — the forever outsider and underdog. We provide software as a service, but we're also here to listen, to help out in any way we can, to put your mind at ease, to treat you like a human being. We think it deserves to be repeated: just because you're solo doesn't mean you're alone.
Maverick can be a difficult concept to claim as a corporate value in 2022. In popular culture, the term comes with baggage (nationalism, toxic masculinity) — and conjures images of some outlaw from the old west who shoots first, asks questions later. And let's be honest, it's obnoxious to call yourself a maverick.
But this value is more about aspiring to be mavericks than claiming it for ourselves. It's to publicly hold ourselves accountable when it comes to choosing to do what's right over what's easy.
For general inquiries and fan mail.
Xolo OÜ
Reg no: 12844111
KMKR no: EE101793070
Paju 1a
Tartu, Estonia 50603
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