Ultimo aggiornamento: January 30, 2025
Here are the exact dates so that you can find out when your first quarter tax returns are filed with Hacienda:
Forms 111, 115:
- Submission deadline: January 20, 2025.
- If the result is payable: Until January 15, 2025 (via direct debit).
- The tax Agency (Hacienda) will collect the payment on January 20, 2025.
Forms 130, 303:
- Submission deadline: January 30, 2025.
- If the result is payable: Until January 25, 2025 (via direct debit).
- The Tax Agency (Hacienda) will collect the payment on January 30, 2025.
Form 349:
- This is an informative form and does not require payment.
- The submission deadline is January 25, 2025.
đź’ˇ Remember that, if you have to pay, Hacienda will charge you to the bank account you have selected on our platform before the deadlines.
It is important that you have the necessary funds ready within this period, as Hacienda is very strict with deadlines and we want to avoid penalties for you at all costs.
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