Here are the exact dates so that you can find out when your quarterly tax returns are filed with Hacienda:
Quarter | Submission period | Due to pay, maximum submission date | To compensate or be refunded, maximum submission date |
(Q1): January, February, March | 1st to 21st April | 15th April | 21st April |
(Q2): April, May, June | 1st to 21st July | 16th July | 21st July |
(Q3): July, August, September. | 1st to 20th October | 15th October | 20th October |
(Q4): October, November, December. | 1st to 30th January 2026 | 26th January | 30th January |
To be refunded is only possible in Q4
đź’ˇRemember that, if you have to pay, Hacienda will charge the bank account you have selected on our platform on last day of submmision each quarter.
It is important that you have the necessary funds ready within this period, as Hacienda is very strict with deadlines and we want to avoid penalties for you at all costs.
- Form 349
If the amount of your intra-community transactions exceeds €50,000 during the current quarter or in the four previous quarters, you are obliged to file Form 349 monthly. Submission: from the 1st to the 20th of the following month – for example, the information for the month of January is filed on February 20th.
- Annual forms
What is the deadline for submitting this form?
January 1st to 31st, 2026.
- When will I be charged by Hacienda if I have to pay?
This form is submitted for information purposes only, no payment or refund is required.
- What is the deadline for submitting this form?
January 1st to 31st, 2026.
- When will I be charged by Hacienda if I have to pay?
These forms are submitted for information purposes only, no payment or refund is required.
- What is the deadline for submitting this form?
February 1st to 28th, 2026.
- When will I be charged by Hacienda if I have to pay?
This form is submitted for information purposes only, no payment or refund is required.