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  3. Invoices

What should I keep in mind when creating a sales invoice?

Última actualización: August 07, 2024

You should know that there are certain requirements and rules established by the Tax Authority for the proper invoicing of your services:

  • You must maintain a correlation regarding date and numbering. For example, if you create invoice number 1 with date 02/01/202x, invoice number 2 must have a date equal to or later than invoice nº1.
  • If you delete an invoice but already created invoices after it, you will have a numbering gap, and this is not preferred by the Tax Office. Therefore, you should create a credit invoice and not delete the invoice you want to disregard.
  • Every payment received must be accompanied by a corresponding invoice, with the invoice date being equal to or earlier than the payment date. Regulations prohibit charging before an invoice is created, so ensure the invoice date aligns accordingly. For instance, if you receive advance payments or payments in installments for a service, you must issue invoices either as you receive the payments or just before.
  • Do NOT modify invoices that have already been declared in previous quarters; as discrepancies will arise during annual declarations, likely prompting a notification from the Tax Authority requesting an explanation. If you need to refund a portion of these previously declared invoices, issue a corrective invoice at the time of the refund without modifying the original invoices.

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