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Does Xolo Leap allow Print-on-demand services?

Última actualización: December 19, 2024

Print on Demand (POD) service providers offer various options for generating income, each tailored to different business models.

1. Royalty Payments
One way to earn income is through selling digital services, specifically design work, which earns royalty payments. The workflow for utilizing this model is straightforward:

    • Xolo Leap customer uploads their design to the platform.
    • The end customer purchases the customized design through the platform.
    • At the end of the month, the customer receives a royalty payment based on the sales generated.

In this scenario, Xolo Leap customers focus solely on selling digital services (design) and do not engage in selling physical products directly to end customers. The processes of sale, printing, and shipping are managed entirely by the platforms supported by Xolo.

The following is a list of supported platforms that facilitate royalty payments:

2. Physical Goods
For those interested in selling physical products using Print-on-Demand service providers, further information can be found in the Xolo self-service help modal article titled 'Can I use the Print-on-Demand option for selling physical goods?'.

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