To create a business account with Wise, you need to go to their website and sign up for a business account. Business customers need to be verified by Wise, so expect to upload identification, some business documentation and personal details. You can see more information from their support center. Verification is typically completed within 4 working days, and once it’s done you can start making transfers immediately.
If you're sending money with Wise, you're making a local transfer from your account to their account and then they handle the conversion. For example, if you wish to transfer money from euros to US dollars, you’ll send euros to Wise from your euro bank account, to their euro bank account, and then Wise makes the conversion into US dollars.
It’s also worth considering opening a Wise multi-currency account - where you can hold over 40 currencies, convert money within your account, and get local account details.
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How do I use Wise (formerly TransferWise)?
Última actualización: January 22, 2025
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