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  3. About Xolo Estonia

What possibilities does Xolo Estonia provide?

Última actualización: September 22, 2022

Xolo Estonia offers all the elements to run a company with ease. 

Xolo self-service enables you to:

  • Issue and send invoices

  • Report expenses

  • Tracking out-of-pocket (OOP) balance

  • Register business trips

  • Monitor your company’s transactions

We'll keep an eye on your accounting, and take care of the taxes and annual reports on the background. You’ll also have a dedicated point of contact in Xolo, so we’re always just an email away if you have any questions.

As the owner of your business, you’ll need to let us know about your company related bank accounts and payment gateways. At least once a month you’ll create sales invoices and upload expense documents so we can keep your accounting above board. It’s all easily done in your Xolo Estonia dashboard.

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