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  2. Lite plan
  3. Your obligations as a freelancer with Lite plan

Social Security

Ultimo aggiornamento: May 22, 2024

There are two distinct processes that will allow you to work legally as a freelancer (autónomo)in Spain. Once completed, you will become an autónomo.

The first step is registering as an individual professional with Hacienda (Tax Office), which will allow you to issue invoices for your work. This procedure is done with Hacienda and is free of charge. Keep in mind that once you register, you will be obligated to submit your VAT and the personal income tax returns quarterly (IRPF).

The registration with RETA (Special Scheme for Autónomos) is carried out with Social Security, which is an additional step with another independent Administration. This procedure is also free, but from the moment you register, you will need to start paying a monthly fee (autónomo’s cuota).

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