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  1. FAQ
  2. Canary Islands residents
  3. Obligations as a freelancer in Canary Islands

As a self-employed person in the Canary Islands, you must fulfill the following tax obligations:

Ultimo aggiornamento: January 15, 2025
  1. Model 420: Quarterly declaration of IGIC (General Indirect Canary Tax).
  2. Model 425: Annual summary declaration of IGIC.
  3. Model 130: Quarterly payments of IRPF (Personal Income Tax) installments (directly related to your activity).
  4. Model 100: Annual declaration of IRPF (Personal Income Tax). This is used to declare the income, expenses, and personal deductions for the entire year, both from your professional activity and other possible sources of income (e.g., work income, rental income, interest, etc.). It also includes the regularization of the withholdings you have already paid during the year.
  5. Model 111 and 115: Quarterly declaration of withholdings and payments on account of IRPF. This is used to declare the withholdings made to professionals or on rents paid to suppliers during the quarter.
  6. Model 180 and 190: Annual summaries of Models 111 and 115, which are informational declarations submitted only once a year.
  7. Model 347 and 415: Annual declaration of operations with third parties, if they exceed €3,005.06 in a year.

If you are a Xolo Starter, Global, or Premium user, we will handle these tax obligations on your behalf. For more details, please visit our pricing plans.

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