Ultimo aggiornamento: February 04, 2025
KVK Number (Chamber of Commerce Number)
What is it?
- The KVK number is your business registration number issued by the Kamer van Koophandel (KVK), the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. It confirms that your business is officially registered in the Dutch Trade Register.
- Acts as your business’s unique identifier in the Netherlands.
- Required for official contracts, invoices, websites, webshops, letters and correspondence with Dutch authorities.
Who needs it?
- Every business operating in the Netherlands must have a KVK number.
VAT Number (Omzetbelastingnummer)
What is it?
- The VAT number, known as the Omzetbelastingnummer in Dutch, is issued by the Belastingdienst (Dutch Tax Authority) upon registration for VAT. It is only used for communication with Belastingdienst.
- Format for eenmanszaak: [9 numbers BSN number] B [2 sub digits]
- Format for other companies: [9 numbersVAT ID number] B [2 sub digits]
- Used for communication with the Belastingdienst.
Who needs it?
- All businesses
VAT Identification Number (BTW-Identificatienummer)
What is it?
- The VAT Identification number, or BTW-identificatienummer, is a separate identifier used for invoicing, compliance with EU VAT regulations.
- Format for eenmanszaak: NL [random 9 numbers] B [2 sub digits]
- Format for other companies: NL [9 numbers VAT number] B [2 sub digits]
- Used for cross-border transactions within the EU.
- Required on invoicesÂ
- Required on websites and online webshops
Who needs it?
- All businesses
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